[입트영 스크립트6월] 20180622 명절 해외 여행어학/EBS 입트영 2018. 7. 3. 12:50
20180622 입트영 스크립트
명절 해외여행
새로운 단어, 표현.
back in the day 예전에
extended family 일가친척
traditional holiday 전통 명절
holiday custom 명절풍습
personal vacation day 개인 휴가
in tandem 함께 ( tandem bike :좌석2개가 연결된 오토바이, 붙여서~라는 뜻)
take time off 휴가를 내다, 휴식을 취하다
a spike in the number of ~수의 급증 (spike :뾰족한 )
travel overseas 해외여행을 하다
long holiday 긴 연휴
be overrun with ~으로 북새통을 이루다( be packed with, very crowded )
travel agency 여행사
travel package 패키지 여행상품
in time for ~에 때맞춰
holiday windfall 명절 특수
fall by the wayside 사라져 가다
social conditions 세태
set off 출발하다
아래의 엑스트라 토픽 답변은 정말 허접한 나의 영작이니,,,
틀린부분이 많다. 그러니 본문과 새로운 단어만 참고하고 나의 영작은 Skip해 주세요...
Q1. Have you ever traveled overseas during traditional holidays? Why or Why not?
I like to treavel overseas. but I could'n take time off because my work and taking care of my daughter.
and I wanted to go on overseas trip during aditional holidays 추석. but I didn't think that my parents-in -low could allowed it. I finally gave up to tell them.
Q2. Why are some people worried about this trend?
Some people who wants to continue and to inherit traditional custom worried about this trend. more and more people go to abroad during tradintional holidays, it's getting harder to gather extended family, and they can't experience on tradition day. They do lots of traditonal acting.
Q3. When are some of the best times to travel overses?
I think 추석 is the best times. By using personal vacation days in tandem with 추석,
people can take time off for as long as a week.
Talk about the trend of going on overseas trips during traditional holidays.
Back in the days, extended families gathered on traditional days and ate together. However, holiday customs have been changing recently. By using personal vacation days in tandem with traditional holidays, people can take time off for as long as a week. There has been a spike in the number of people taveling overseas during long holidays.
Some travel with family, while other set off with friends. Airports are nearly overrun with these travelers. Travel agencies offer countless travel packages in time for these days. It's holidays windfall for them. Some people worry that traditional holiday customs are falling by the wayside because of these changing social conditions.
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