06/29 입트영 스크립트 6월 커피숍 고르기 180629어학/EBS 입트영 2018. 7. 5. 16:53
[입트영 스크립트 6/29 커피숍고르기]
얼마전에 근사한 커피숍을 다녀왔다.
앞에는 산과 호수전망이 보여 멋진 전망을 바라다 볼수 있다고 해서 갔는데, 오늘의 주제가 커피숍 고르기구나.
핵심 단어&표현
do searches online 인터넷 검색을 하다. = do online search = search online
keep a list 목록을 만들다 = keep a record
check out 직접 가서 확인하다 = go to the coffeeshop in person
take into account 고려하다 = take into consideration
have a great view 전망이 좋다
fascinating interior design 근사한 실내 디자인 =>interior 발음 주의 (인티~리어)
ambiance 분위기 =condition (발음은 보통 오움비언스)
serve gourmet coffee 특제커피를 팔다. (gourmet 특제의, 특화되어있는 + 음식 )
take into consideration 고려하다
get a good deal 물건을 싸게 사다. (=get a great deal)
go out for coffee 커피 마시러 가다
pay through one's nose 많은 돈을 내다 (=pay a lot of money )
reasonable 합리적인, 적당한
엑스트라 토픽
Q1. Talk about when you last went to a coffee shop. what was it like?
Q2. Talk about a memorable coffee place you've been to. What did you like most about that place?
Q3. What do you think cafes should do to improve their services?
when it comes to coffee shops, my friends and i do searches online for good places. We keep a list of places to go to and cheak them out when we have time. when we choosing a coffee place, we first take into account the mood. Some places have great views or have fascinating interior designs. The ambiace of a cafe helps us enjoy our drinks. Next, we consider the taste of coffee. Some places roast their own beans and serve gourmet coffee. Last of all, we take into consideration the price of the drinks. We like to get good deals when we go out for coffee. We don't lke having to pay through our noses just for a drink. So, we always make sure that the prices are reasonable before we actually go to a coffee place.
+) when it comes to~ ~에 있어서.
make sure that~ that 이하를 확인하다.
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